Saturday, March 24, 2007


It's Saturday :) Finally! I'm really ready to be done with work.. I like it for sure, but I just want summer to be here I suppose (more on that later). So far today we have gone to Jacques Torres' shop in Brooklyn, which is actually only a few blocks away.
It was a great little (emphasis on little) shop, filled with chocolate delights. Erika and I did agree and that some were a bit odd, and not very creative-- like chocolate covered cheerios or corn flakes? Gross. The chocolate covered peeps did look interesting though; the whole store was decked out for Easter and the peeps were part of that display. Perhaps when it's not Easter it's more similiar to the shop in "Chocolat" but that is doubtful because his hot chocolate was far from life-changing, instead it nearly made me sick. It was literally hot chocolate; I believe they melted rich milk chocolate, put a bit of milk in it and steamed it. It was just too much.

Anyway, we're off to more adventures...

1 comment:

  1. crazy!
    i was just reading an article about Rachel McAdams and she talks about going to DUMBO .. and I was like "hmm i have no idea what that is.."
