I love to blog, but I seem to always run into a technical difficulty, such as the other night when it just wouldn't post and ended up closing. So lame. On the occasion that I take the time and it does actually post, my blog is usually one of random thoughts. I've begun to wonder if it's worth reading. I mean, I could continue to blog for my own entertainment, but I apologize if it is not entertaining to you. If you want entertaining, I know a boy who blogs about as often as I do and his is rather quirky - thought it is about a band... This is just about me... Anyway, enough of that.
So once again, my parents are moving. As usual this calls for the packing and "re-packing" of old memories, keepsakes and books - the only things I really have left at my parents house. Most of this was already in boxes, waiting for a time when I have more space of my own. But this weekend I sorted through all of it again.
Some of the things I held so dear to my heart in high school, seem completely useless and unimportant now. Other things I couldn't get rid of because it oddly seemed wrong, and yet I have no use for it other than to put it in a box.. Like my cheerleading uniform from junior high. What use is that? But who else would want it? I dont know. There were some interesting things to rediscover - like old love letters. When I was a freshman in high school I dated a junior. As this was a time before text messaging, note passing was still ever popular. In fact, this boyfriend of mine would type notes to me at home, after talking to me on the phone, and give them to me at school the next day. I don't know why I kept these (they were trashed this weekend..), but it put a small smile on my face when I read the notes that said nothing. I'm sure I was really excited to read it when I was 15, but now it just echoes the past empty conversations in shallow relationships. Hmm the joys of dating in high school :) Aside from that there were a few proclamations of desperate love from others.. only a few... but still fun to read.
I also read through a few assignments I kept from junior high, which actually made me cringe as I read them. They were terrible. Ok, my reports were good. I was a decent writer. But when writing anything personal, well, I just lost all creative writing expertise. I hope my writing now is not so awful, if so, divert your eyes immediately! But as for my old English teachers.. well bravo to them for bearing through!
As I left home yesterday, I left three boxes of mementos. A few boxes of toys and kids books that my parents will one day let me kids play with, and a house that I may never see again. Oddly enough, I'm only sad that I can't help my parents move - only because it is a lot of work and they need the help. But I really won't miss the house. Probably something to do with moving somewhere around 25 times in my lifetime...
Well, I'm off to a Texas Baptist Media Forum - because that's what writers do.. Or at least Baptist writers? I don't know. It's just to give me some direction for the future, if possible :)
Go listen to Matt Costa.
His music will make you happy.
Or.. you could always listen to some more sleeperstar, as I know you constantly have it on repeat. ;)
Love God, Love people.
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