Just a week after my last blog... I got engaged!
Most of you know that by now, but it's still fun to proclaim to the world - beyond Facebook, Twitter, Save the Dates, and a Knot website, this is the final step. Oh, and of course I have a gorgeous ring as a reminder to the daily world around me!
All of last summer, and really since the day I moved to Nashville, I have been waiting (sometimes impatiently) to proclaim that I am engaged to the most wonderful man ever. But now I'm not much in the mood to spill our special moments to the online world... Is that strange? Well, if you are my friend on Facebook, then I spilled it all there. I will, however, give a brief synopsis.
Blake was able to surprise me, which is really a feat as I had come to expect it at every turn. But he surprised me with a trip to the Biltmore Mansion and I think I was honestly just excited to be there and tired of thinking about getting engaged that it was farthest from my mind. It was a special personal moment, that I cherish. And the ring... good grief... I'm not sure I could have picked out a ring even as good as he did - definitely not better. Especially considering my issues with just finding the right bridesmaids dresses!
So here's a snapshot of us happily engaged after....
So on a day when I was expecting a little time with my boyfriend and shopping with the girls in his family, I instead saw one of the most beautiful estates and pledged my eternal love to Blake.
Yeah I took it to the dramatic point.
The wedding planning began almost immediately, as we set a date on our drive to dinner. This date was changed, tossed around, and rounded back to. So on June 4, I will officially have a new name and a new life. The other plans are still evolving, slowly. We do have a caterer, photographer, location and I have my dress. But there is still the issue of bridesmaids dresses, flowers, decor, music, etc... It will come in time.
As for the cherry on top, well I'm still praying for that. I have had a few interviews and a few more openings come to light, so there actually is hope out there. But for the time being, I'm scraping by, working three jobs and chiseling out time to see Blake. In some weird combination, I love and hate my jobs. I can't explain it. Mostly because I'm trying not to think/talk/worry about work as much :) It's a process.
Oh, and if anyone knows of the perfect aubergine/eggplant/plum bridesmaids dress... Please let me know asap! I've yet to find the perfect dress and I'm about to give up on it...
That's my life over the past 4 months in a nutshell. Engaged, planning, working, praying.
This one is for the parents:
Mama's Song (chorus)
Carrie Underwood
He is good, so good
He treats your little girl like a real man should
He is good, so good
He makes promises he keeps
No he's never gonna leave
So don't you worry about me
Don't you worry about me