Thursday, September 30, 2010

A new season

It's fall in Nashville. I'm finally able to admit it and now with some expectancy as it means the holidays are drawing near. Technically, it was fall on September 23, but that week it was still warm enough to lay by the pool and soak up the sun (just ask Sarah who was here visiting last week). But I guess it was on Tuesday that I was walking across the grass to my apartment and realized that leaves were crunching under my feet. It was then that it hit me - fall snuck up on me. When I moved here Blake warned me that overnight summer would be here and the trees and landscape would magically be green. But I was so anxious for it that I noticed every detail of the changing season, but not with fall. And now at night the temperature drops to the 40s and the days are in the mid-70s. Very different from fall in Texas and yet, I love it. I love driving along and having the leaves falling like snowflakes on my car.

So it's been awhile since I've blogged.... Summer came and went. My parents, little sister and grandmother came to visit in June, spending nearly a week in my tiny apartment :) On the 25th, friends helped to surprise Blake for his first half-birthday celebration. In July, I became a part-time manager at LOFT, which (thankfully) cut my hours down at Zoes. Later in the month was Blake's family reunion in small-town Alabama. August came around with even hotter weather and Blake's graduation from MTSU. The graduation party was a wonderful celebration of him. And September, the month that is now ending, was a whirlwind. I flew to Texas to celebrate my 25th birthday with my family, after a few celebrations with Blake and his parents; then I drove home with the older sister who stayed for nearly a week to celebrate her birthday in Nashvegas. Football started and both of my teams are off to a good start. But now it's time for October, which will mark my 8th month of living in Tennessee. I even switched to a TN drivers license.....

Even with my wonderful summer and many moments to write about....I felt too apprehensive to even begin. I wanted to write some amazing life-changing news. I'm now a millionaire. I've been offered the dream of a lifetime. You know the sort, but life is never quite the fairy tale we imagine it to be or to become. I am still working two part-time jobs and applying for full-time positions (with little to no response). I still haven't been to visit my sister in Chicago, but I did finally make it home. I pray that I will stay healthy and my car will continue to run - I am making enough to cover my bills, but without health insurance or much money to spare. I could go on with the negatives that I never expected, but there are also positives that I never expected. I never dreamed I would love working in retail or for Ann Taylor LOFT. It was a temporary solution in my mind (and it still may be, with temporary stretching longer than usual). But I do, I love my job. It's unconventional. There is paperwork, but not the kind that requires you to sit behind a desk all day. I am constantly moving and I'm never bored. Projects are endless and a lot is expected of me in terms of my performance. I am a "trusted style advisor" as the company says and as my clients perceive, as they expect me to come up with a completely unique and absolutely perfect outfit to fit them. And I coach my girls in styling and serving our clients. I am learning more in one position than I imagined I would. My boss is great, my co-workers and management team are amazing, and the company itself is so very incorporating and supportive of their employees that I am impressed by their co-dedication to both employees and the client. Of course, it's not perfect (hence the reason for "temporary"). I am in need of real benefits and would love to have my nights and weekends back. It's exhausting and at times frustrating, but it's unconventional and it's where I am for now.

With this new season, I am more or less accepting my current position. I will still apply in the attempt to move up, but I am happy in my job. I am beginning to look forward to the holidays and more family time, but I'm also enjoying watching an actual season change. I will always love Texas and will continue to miss everyone there, but I may be turning in to a Tennessee girl... Who just so happens to have the perfect Tennessee boy ;)

I can tell you, my wish list is growing for when I do get that dream job.... I just can't help it :) It's also a fun game to play. One day, I'll be back in the game and I can buy the perfect mac laptop and have a car that works perfectly. It's coming, perhaps with this new season? Who knows, but I'm now glad that it's here.

Goodbye September, thanks again for a great birthday month!