Update: no full-time position, yet.
I should be starting a second part-time position by next week, just have to decide where first (have one and a half offers on the table...)
The last few weeks have been rather busy.. My friend Erika came to visit, first of all, and I was able to do a few touristy things with her. She also brought Mo to me! That was really an awesome part of it - I'm so happy he's here and he seems to really love it. So far his favorite spot is the top of my new couch or in the window, watching all of the geese and baby ducks walking by.
Anyway, I really had fun exploring the city and showing off little things that I love, including downtown Franklin. There we enjoyed lunch at Pucketts Grocery, followed by some window shopping and cupcakes from Naticakes. Blake had a free hour, so we met him at Centennial Park before musing through the Parthenon; it's been almost a year since I first visited it with Blake. We seemed to drive all over the place as we took off for more shopping in Hillsboro Village before heading over to Opryland and we even walked around the Grand Ole Opry :) The long day was ended with dinner at Satco and some live music at Tootsie's (I'm officially a fan of the place).
Before sending Erika home, we had to do the quintessential southern tourist activity - visit a plantation home. What better place to take her than the Belle Meade Plantation? This gorgeous house has a long line of impressive thoroughbreds and descendants, including my favorite racing horse, Secretariat. Here is what I think is impressive, all of the horses that have entered the Kentucky Derby in the past 5 years can trace their line back to the Bell Meade Plantation. It was once a glorious place. The mansion was built in 1853 and in its golden age, the family owned 2600 acres. Today the plantation sits on just over 30 acres.
The weekend after Erika left was my one year anniversary with Blake. It was a rather laid-back weekend, but so wonderful too. On Friday, I embarrassed Blake by having my boss deliver cupcakes to his work :) It was perfect. Saturday, we cooked dinner at home and saw a show at the Exit/In with Dave Barnes, Ben Rector, Andrew Ripp, and Steve Moakler. It was an amazing show! Loved the venue.. Even though it was packed and I was exhausted - yes, I contemplated sitting on the floor between sets.... The actual day of our anniversary I had to work (lame) but we enjoyed breakfast at the Perch and Blake surprised me by washing my car and buying a lovely mirror to hang over my couch. Later that night he made dinner and we had a quiet evening at home later on when Blake made dinner. It was simple and sweet. We are just so blessed to actually be able to spend all of our time together now! Oh, I also surprised Blake with an awesome (if I might say so myself) picnic basket -- hopefully we will use it a lot this summer.
So there is my April in a nutshell. Two months of bliss and frustration have flown by.... I'm hoping that the summer will hold some excitement (and hopefully I will get a job before then). I do think June should be interesting as half of my family plans to travel to or through Nashville.
That's about it... My apartment is fully furnished, we just need to paint my side table and everything we can do for now will be complete. Also, I miss my little sister. ... Wish I could afford to drive to Chicago! This summer for sure..
Love to all.