Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I want to hold your hand...

Last Sunday my pastor was talking about changes in the world and how “I want to hold your hand” used to be such a hit song, but now all of the popular songs are talking about things far from the holding hand stage… It’s sad to realize that he is right. I love Fergie’s new song and the part that say “yes, you can hold my hand if you want to, cuz I want to hold yours too.” But then the music video shows them living together… wait… what? Why can’t love be simple anymore? Why can’t the "living together" come after marriage? Why is holding hands considered juvenile or not a big deal?

I have had two conversations as of late with different girls on this subject. In the first conversation one of my sister’s friends was saying that she saw holding hands as an intimate act. She said that, in her opinion, it is a big step in dating. Even if the couple had not yet defined themselves in a relationship, she definitely thought it was a step in that direction. I completely agreed with her and loved the fact that she referred to it as an act of intimacy, even though she was hesitant to do so. I feel like the word “intimate” is only used nowadays in association with something sexual, but really it was first meant to mean cozy, private and personal, closely connected – it was more about a relationship.

Today, while driving home, my friend and I were listening to the Fergie song and I made a remark about the line I like and we got into my second conversation on holding hands. She said that she viewed it as a sign to show everyone else that you are with this person, you might not be serious or dating just yet, but you’re willing to make a leap and say that the two of you are with each other. She also said that it shows the guy that you trust him.

These girls are amazing. They don’t view the first step as kissing or jumping into bed with each other. They aren’t looking for a guy to live with. They are the type of girls that define those of us who really are your nice Christian girl who still wants to hold a guys hand. We want to find intimacy by developing a close relationship that isn’t sexual. We want to go back to the way the world used to be. Back to the Beatles.. well.. maybe not the "yellow submarine" Beatles, but you know what I mean.

I know I have been flippant in the past about relationships, maybe even kissed a few too many boys, but as I grow older I am defining what I want in a relationship. I am taking to heart what each action symbolizes, what each word really means. My dear friend holds wisdom when she says that she doesn’t want another “I love you” until the guy is sure she is the one, until he is ready to propose. Why mess with a relationship that causes hurt or pain, or might lead to pregnancy, or causes God’s heart to break? Why not search for the real thing? Why not take baby steps in relationships and treasure the joy of those small things, looking at everything else as a blessing in marriage?

And guys… seriously… take note. Realize what you do affects us and we really will analyze everything because we believe actions speak louder than words.

So, I’m sticking by it. I will encourage my friends with their “ridiculously high standards” because I have seen the girls who have had those standards met. I have met the boys who have turned into wonderful men of God and faithful, loving husbands. I haven't found him yet, but I’ll wait until I can have one of my own; one who will first show me his affection through simply holding my hand.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Have I stopped breathing?

Life is beyond trying to catch my breath. Now it's more like, holding my breath and hoping everything doesn't come tumbling down around me.

How am I supposed to do it? How did I do it before? For some reason being gone one semester and taking two extremely blow-off Spanish classes this summer have combined to throw me out of the swing of combining school and life.

Yesterday there was a lady bug on my car. All I could think was, oh I hope she's bring me good luck! I was in a good mood. Well, I must have shut the car door on her or she must have been thrown off when I took off down the highway.. whatever it was she's brought me bad luck instead of good. Well, there is one good thing that has happened in the last 24-hours. I got tickets to Austin City Limits, I'm just hoping it is as awesome as I'm foreseeing it to be. But this morning.. has been rough.

For one of my classes I have to work an internship, not for internship credit, but it's just a requirement, like a major project. Well, last week I found an amazing internship and so far I've been enjoying it, then I was told I won't be paid for the hours worked. I know, I know, a lot of internships are unpaid. But I dont have the resources to spend 6-10-or more hours a week working somewhere without pay. My one job on campus barely pays enough for groceries. And the thing is, my supervisor wants to pay me, but the internship is on campus too and federal work study doesnt not allow for students to be paid while working at an internship. Has the government lost their ever lovin mind?? I wanted to scream at the financial aid lady, but instead I came close to tears, and to top it all off my professor is not answering my emails. So where do I turn? Nowhere. So far, no one is proving able to help. So I work for free and pray to God that I somehow have money to pay bills in a month.

That's my main dilemma today. Either I find a new internship, which has not proved to be easy, or I work without pay. Another issue of the day is photography. I love photography. I get joy from taking pictures and seeing the end result. But, I know nothing about film photography. Really, nothing. I ruined three rolls of film in the last week, just trying to figure out how to use my stinkin camera. Three rolls. And they are not your cheap kodak film rolls, nope. But I'm learning and the experience is good. Learn from your mistakes, right? I definitely am.

So that's that.
Labor day was nice, though instead of getting caught up on homework, I stayed behind. But we had a cookout at our apartment and had lots of random friends unite for food and fun. Now I have another cookout to go to tonight, a guerilla comedy troupe show, and film to be developed. Yes my dears, every hour of my day is booked (and already it's a challenge to sit still in class with so much to do).

For those of you back home, I'll probably see you tomorrow night at Jess' graduation party... it's going to be fun! :)